Can I use medical cannabis to treat PTSD?

The visibility of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has increased in recent decades, but PTSD has plagued humans since the beginning of time. According to, “PTSD affects approximately 3.5 percent of U.S. adults every year, and an estimated one in 11 people will be diagnosed with PTSD in their lifetime.” Not only are women more likely to suffer from PTSD, but so are U.S. Latinos, African Americans, and American Indians. This complex disorder has been notoriously hard to treat, but luckily, research increasingly supports the use of medical cannabis (aka medical marijuana) for the treatment of PTSD. And users are taking note, as PTSD is one of the top reasons people report using medical cannabis.

Two recent studies point to different ways cannabinoids may help treat PTSD, according to Forbes. “One shows how cannabis can reduce activity in the amygdala — a part of the brain associated with fear responses to threats. Meanwhile, another suggests that the plant’s cannabinoids could play a role in extinguishing traumatic memories.” These effects are perfectly suited to dealing with PTSD, which is characterized by exaggerated fear responses and anxiety due to past trauma. 

Yale associate professor of psychiatry R. Andrew Sewell says, “Cannabis stimulates CB1 — a receptor in the endocannabinoid system that Sewell says has improved extinction learning in animal studies. Interestingly, those with PTSD show impaired functioning of the endocannabinoid system — which may be why they are unable to go through the normal extinction learning process.”

This may be starting to sound too good to be true, but the good news for PTSD sufferers doesn’t stop there. Another study found “Participants who used cannabis were 2.57 times more likely to no longer meet DSM-5 criteria for PTSD at the end of the study observation period compared to participants who did not use cannabis.” In other words, people who regularly use cannabis are more likely to recover from PTSD.

The verdict on medical cannabis for PTSD

The evidence continues to mount in support of what PTSD sufferers have known for a long time — marijuana can significantly reduce the symptoms of, and perhaps even cure, PTSD. Cannabis acts in a variety of complex ways to improve the quality of life for patients with PTSD and if you’re a patient looking for relief, you may just find it in a medical cannabis dispensary.

Recommended cannabis strains for PTSD patients

We always recommend asking the professionals at your local dispensary for advice on which strains and products may help you specifically, but here are some of the Cann Cure Cultivation strains PTSD sufferers may want to consider:

See also:

Can I use cannabis to treat anxiety?

Can I use cannabis to treat depression?

Theresa Cramer

I am a freelance writer, marketer, and content creator. With a deep background in publishing, digital media, and technology, I thrive on new challenges.

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